30 days to go until 31st October 2019, the day the UK is scheduled to leave the EU.

The risk of a no-deal Brexit has never been higher.

Regardless of the nature of the UK’s exit from the EU, the way in which we trade with the UK will change.

The Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphreys TD, is urging businesses to prepare now for these changes to protect themselves as far as possible against the challenges posed by Brexit.

The Department has developed a “Brexit Preparedness Checklist” to help businesses identify the steps they need to take now to prepare.  The checklist includes a list of supports available to businesses, along with the contact details of the agencies that administer these supports.

Brexit Preparedness Checklist

More recently, the Government also launched “Getting your Business Brexit Ready Practical Steps” booklet. The booklet outlines the following 9 key steps that businesses should consider now to make sure they are best prepared for a no-deal Brexit: Getting your business Brexit ready – Practical Steps

– Review your supply chain and UK market strategy

– Understand the new rules for importing from or exporting to the UK

– Be aware of possible changes to transport and logistics for goods transiting via the UK

– Review all your regulation, licencing and certification requirements

– Review your contracts and your data management

– Manage your cash flow, currency and banking

– Protect and inform your staff

– Take advantage of Government Brexit programmes and supports

– Know more about the impact on your sector

For further information on how Brexit may affect your business, please visit the Government of Ireland Brexit website at www.gov.ie/brexit